
For mac download Venom
For mac download Venom

for mac download Venom

exec: (exec is the default type for a step)įor my part, I mainly use two of them: exec and http, which already cover a large majority of the cases to be tested.īut if this list is not enough for you, you can create your own executors -).The tool has a list of existing executors: Venom runs executors (scripts, HTTP request, web, IMAP, etc.) and enforces assertions. A few years later of use in one of my previous professional experiences, I am still happy to talk about this great little tool and this will be an opportunity to test the new features of version 1.O+.Ĭoncretely, it is necessary to write test suites ( testsuite) in a YAML file. We found it very promising at the time and decided to use it for our integration tests. The tool, written in Go (and yes another one -) ), dates from 2017, it is open-sourced and I learned about it following a presentation made during an edition of Devoxx France conference. Venom is a tool created and made open-source by OVHcloud: To write and run our integration tests, we'll use Venom. The objective of integration tests is to detect errors that could not be detected (because they were not tested) during the unit testing phase. In the testing phase, integration testing falls between unit testing and validation testing.

for mac download Venom

Does the call to the URL contain an array composed of two elements composed of the key “id” and the key “description”.Does the website respond (return code 200)?.With unit tests, we check the proper functioning of a specific part of an application/software, of a unit, while integration tests, as its name suggests, make it possible to test all the components in functional scenarios: Integration tests make it possible to test the functionalities of a system on all the components built via user scenarios. You have participated in the development of a site or an application, you have, of course, coded the unit tests (UT) and now you are “bored” with the integration tests, but what is that again? When working in the development of applications / and websites, the diction “testing is life” is true and we will see in this article that it is not only unit tests and that creating and automating integration tests can be child's play -).

For mac download Venom